End of the rookie legend – Stallone's farewells – thetoc.gr


Sylvester Stallone's relationship with Rocky Balboa is a huge circle that closes after years of successful journey.

Creed 2 was the last trip to Stallone. The story of Rocky ends in the Creed sequel.

If you plan to arrive at this final, Stallone, franchisor and franchisor at Greed, will include the story of a lifetime. The homeless, with tooth problems, wrote the script with the protagonist of Rocky.

Nobody wanted Stallone to personify him. He was forced to sell his dog for a few dollars, beat him, lived in boxes and finally convinced the producers. As soon as he received his first money, he bought his dog for $ 15,000.

"I want to thank everyone around the world who put the Rocky family in their hearts for 40. It was an honor for me to be able to create and play this important character.Although my heart breaks, everything needs to be I love you noble and generous people, the wonderful thing is that Rockie will not die, he will live forever in each one of you ".

With these words, Sylvester Stallone greeted Rockie Balboa during the move to Instagram.

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