Evros: "I tried to save them" – Shocks the tragic father


The father's testimony trembled. Talking to Alpha describes the nightmare. When she saw the waters go towards the woman and the youngest of her three children

"I could not save them"

"My wife did not know how to swim and the water l & # 39; He could not let the three children get lost. "

When the boat overturned the mother tried to save the baby and the father the two older boys

" I swim to save my two kids but it was impossible i'm on the other side i started diving but i could not get them out of the water. i was in the l & # 39; 39 water and as soon as I came out, my children were not there … "

His wife recovered on Friday with her only child aged one year. He always held the baby by the hand …

Every hour that hope fainted for missing boys. The tragic father is still waiting for good news about his instinct.

"I would like my two children to be alive, I especially hope for the one who was wearing a lifejacket, I ask you with all my heart to continue the investigations …" says the father .

"You do not need a lifejacket"

Murat Aksambay describes the moment when the plastic boat overturned. "When the boat approached on the other side of the river, there were shrubs and twigs.The boat hit a bush or twig and began to infiltrate. The boat was overturned and the 11 pbadengers were in the water, we asked for lifejackets, but the smugglers told us that we did not need them, we only had two vests. rescue with us.We gave it to a mother and the other door to one of my missing children … "

" We had to leave Turkey to be free … "

According to reports, Murat's family tried to cross the border. Evros to escape the persecution of Erdogan. At the expense of their arrests, there were arrests because they were considered followers of Gullen. "

" Because of the problems in our country, we had to leave to be free. Escape us. If we knew that there was a chance that it would happen, we would think it better. But we were told that many have already done, we too could … ", says Murat.

But unfortunately, they could not … The investigations to locate the two boys continue …

Watch exclusive video Father's statements on Alpha

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