Extraordinary Ambrosios c. Xydakis – "Fortunately the seasons of nonsense have passed," replies the MP


The war broke out between Metropolitan Aegialia Ambrosio and SYRIZA's parliamentary spokesperson and former minister Nikos Xydakis.

The hierarch asks Nikos Xydakis to give "proofs and names" about what he said in an interview with "In Kokkino" (19/11) about fear of priests as a result of the control exercised by the hierarchs on the occasion of the Tsipra-Ieronymos agreement.

The Metropolitan asks the MP for SYRIZA to communicate these figures immediately, otherwise he threatens to appeal to justice for the defense of his rights as a citizen, as he claims.

See the exodus of Ambrose:

Xydakis: Fortunately, the era of anathema and exorcism is over

Nikos Xydakis replied in a statement to the hierarch: "Fortunately, it is not the Church, and fortunately the time of the anathema against Eleftherios Venizelos and the aphorisms has pbaded," he said.

At the same time, he accused Amvrosios of publicly inciting violence and abuse of ecclesiastical functions.

Analytically the statement of N. Xydakis

"This provokes a terrible impression on every democratic citizen in good faith, in the same way that some hierarchies perceive public life." Politicized by the pulpit, deciding astronomical questions, launching sermons of hate, curses and curses, but demanding that the elected representatives of the Greek people do not take political judgment.

Some hierarchs have been removed from the essence of ecclesiastical life and Christian tradition, so that they consider that a crisis, a thought, even in good faith, is capable of threatening the 39, edification of the Church. Perhaps because they do not tolerate freedom of thought, perhaps because they fear for their informal secular power, perhaps because they are accustomed to: publicly inciting violence and abusing functions ecclesiastics, and not in the words of the shepherd, of the regulations.

Fortunately, this is not the church.

And fortunately, the time of the anathema against Eleftherios Venizelos and the aphorisms is over. "

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