Extraordinary weather – Where will it snow today and tomorrow?


An ominous weather is forecast for the next two days, with wind turbines, mainly to the east, with sharp drops in temperature and snow in the continental mountain, as well as in the semi-mountainous regions of the north of the Greece.

More in detail:

1. From Wednesday afternoon (28-11-2018)
• Stormy winds from the northeast from 7 to 8 in intensity and late afternoon 9 beaufort in Thrace and northern Aegean.
• Snowfall will occur in the mountains of Epirus, Macedonia, Thrace and, at night, in the mountains of Thessaly and Central Sterea. They will intensify gradually. In the evening, it will also snow in the semi-mountainous regions of Macedonia and Thrace (about 500 meters).

2. Thursday (29-11-2018)
Stormy north winds will blow across the country. The Aegean will reach 9 and probably locally 10 Beaufort.
• There will be local snowfall in the mountainous and semi-mountainous regions of Macedonia, Thrace, Thessaly, central and eastern Sterea, Euboea, in central and eastern Peloponnese. Early in the morning, there will be snowfall in the mountains of western Greece. Indicative snowfall north 300 meters, center 500 and south 700 meters. By the end of the afternoon, the snowfall in Macedonia will weaken.

• Storms and strong storms accompanied by hailstorms will occur in the south, mainly marine and coastal areas, which will gradually fall into the Dodecanese until nightfall and weaken.
• Frost will be seen at night on the North Continent.

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