Facing the most serious political crisis, Makron – the world


<img title = "Ο Αλεξάντρ Μπεναλά (δεξιά) μέχρι πρότινος αναπληρωτής επικεφαλής του γραφείου του προέδρου, συνοδεύει τον Μακρόν (κέντρο) σε παλαιότερη έξοδο από το σπίτι του." alt = "Alexandr Benalas (right), former deputy chief of the president's office, accompanies Makron (center) to an earlier exit from home Source: ANA

At the expense of Alexander Benallas, a close badociate of French President Emmanuel Makron, accusations of "violence" were carried Sunday during the May protests – actions "unacceptable" the French president himself, depending on his environment – as well as the tenant of Elizabeth is now facing the most serious political crisis since he was elected to the highest post of the French state.

President Macron hoped that with the wave of revival national after the triumph of "Blue" in the football world cup he would overcome the problems, but it seems rather to have been hit by a tsunami after Le Monde published a video on Labor Day

Alexandr Benalas, then adjoining chief his office and Vencean Kraez, the gendarmerie reserve, as well as the former, who worked for the LREM president's party, allegedly beat and beat up protesters in Paris while accompanying police officers as police officers. ; "observers". [19659004] Although the persecution was quietly imposed on Benalas – he was removed from his position for 15 days in May – justice has not yet been dealt with and the former president's relative has not been treated. was not dismissed despite his previous Friday

After three days of preliminary investigation, the Paris prosecutor's office sued Benalah and Kraze on Sunday for "group violence".

Benallas is also accused of "interfering" with the duty of public servants, discreetly brought "without right" to a police officer, "tampering with video surveillance systems" and "acceptance of breach of professional secrecy". Craig is accused of "unlawful possession of a second clbad weapon"

Three senior police officers, who have already been released because they handed the video clip to Benallah, are also victims of "violation of a video surveillance system"

Despite the revelations about the case, the state leader, now facing the most serious political crisis since his election in May 2017, continues to remain silent. However, he considers the acts for which Benalla is accused of "unacceptable" and promises that "there will be no impunity," said a source close to his environment after a meeting in Elizée with the participation of many members of his government, including the ministers of the Interior and the Justice.

He asks for a "reorganization"

Makron will speak publicly about the case "when he thinks it's beneficial," according to the source at the French presidency. The president also asked Elizabeth's secretary general to ensure that his office is "reorganized" to avoid the repetition of such "malfunction".

In a person who attended the meeting, Makron "condemned" Benalas and Craz's behavior, as well as the "malfunctions" that "allowed" Benalas to do all that.

Although French presidential spokesman Bruno Roser-Peti reiterated Thursday that Benallas had been relieved of all his duties with respect to "the organization of the security of the (1965) L & # 39; opposition calls on the president to "explain", especially Loran Bokie (Republicans, right), e (1969004) The first to be explained will be the Minister of the Interior, Zerar Columbus, who must be present today Monday (Monday), for the presidential candidate Jean-Michel Melanzon ("Invalid France, the radical left" at 11:00 am (Greek time) before the Legislative Committee of the French National Assembly.

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