Fain Skorda puts all the girls of GNTM on and off [εικόνες]


Faine Skorda goes through one of the best phases of life, as the "Breakfast" show remains the first choice of viewers.

The relationship between the presenter and her audience does not stop at the show. Fain Skorda is also very active in social media, through which she communicates with her fans. Whenever a photo is uploaded, preferences and comments are "rainy". The last two images, in fact, have a collection of over 120,000 likes, while the comments are too numerous.

On a photo, she poses with the same dress a black mini dress, an overcoat and boots on the knee, eating a hamburger in the shop of Vbadilis Kallidis, while on the other, he chooses a more casual louk with a black dress, jeans and a plaid shirt in the center.

Seen from her mounts, Faine Skorda poses with style and refinement, having "the air" that she needs for a photo shoot and entering each time in a different console.

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