"False" letter – Croatian National catapult against the government


With an open letter posted on Facebook, the Croatian national is catching up with the political leadership of his country and in an unprecedented political movement, he is asking the country's politicians "not to shoot with them, not to go to their lodges "

However, the letter seems to be the creation of Igor Premuzic, a Facebook user.

The question was also preoccupied today by the Croatian media saying "Zlatko Dalić and an open letter: the charm of the false news."

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In the letter in question, football players and Croatian national troops would present the leaders as a criminal organization and bad people responsible for the poor state of the people in the country

Finally, the Croatian National "announces" in this letter that all the money that he has received from the World Championship the players and the coaching prize will allocate them to the poor children of Croatia. To be able to go on vacation and see the Adriatic as they say in their announcement.

However, the letter is not real. In fact, Friday, Igor Premuzic would have published the same letter

However, he managed to do a lot of media to talk about the Croatian national war with the government


Open letter to the Croatian audience by Zlatko Dalića

The World Cup in Russia showed that in the world of football we all have equal chances. A talented generation of great individuals, eager to work hard, can succeed.

This generation of footballers succeeded, showing that a large gathering of footballers can reach the top of the world. It does not concern the numbers of the nation, the size of the budget, it does not concern the stadiums, it does not even matter the environment, if this generation of Croatian football does not include could not reach the World Cup

I do not write these rare for the group that I have. I write this letter on a difficult situation in Croatia

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Croatia is today the European Union (within) the European Union. In Croatia, you have been very difficult to live with since the end of the last conflict. Croatia is a country run by bad people, members of an organization that has been declared criminal

The Croatian people has moved to the abyss of misfortune, Croatia is a country of which the last twenty years have escaped a million people

Today, among our retired pensioners in Croatia, their pensions are not even able to meet the basic needs of life, young people can not to afford to teach, the collapses of health care, the judicial system

It is a question of time when the system will collapse and when such a situation will become intolerable

Therefore , I ask all politicians and all representatives of the authorities, who they brought my people to hell of misery, despair and poverty to stay away from the Croatian football team [19659002YouarenotwelcomeinourlockerroomswedonotwanttobephotographedwithyouandwedonotwanttoshakehandswithyouYouaretheresponsiblepersonthatCroatiaisthepoorestEuropeancountryTherearechildrenwhogotobedhungrybecausetheirunemployedparentscannotaffordameal

We have a desolate land, we have whole regions where many people measure one square mile. staying out of our country are not welcome in our ranks, we do not consider these people the most common in our society. We ask you to respect our decision, not to wear the jerseys of the football team, not to use our success for your viewing. Using our achievements, the value of our work, our success spoil a pure sport

Your actions are visible every day when the inhabitants of Croatia "fight" for a slice of bread, these are your actions and we do not do not want the Croats to connect with you.

All football players and the administration inform the public that all profits from the World Cup in Russia will be paid into a special fund for Croatian children. . The Fund will finance holidays for Croatian children who have never seen the Adriatic Sea

Croatian footballers are with the Croatian people and will pbad by the hand to help people save victories

J & # 39; would like all Croatian children to have the opportunity to spend at least seven days on the Croatian coast. It's the least that football can do for our vulnerable and dear people

We welcome back all Croatian citizens, promising to do our best to bring the world champions to Croatia, with your own help , with your own "applause"

Share my words with me and come to reception on Mondays in Zagreb

Hail Croats, Hail Croatia

In Thoughts and Hearts

Zlatko Dalić, footballers and administration of the Croatian National


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