Fave Skorda found herself in trouble on a pretty pretty picture with a stylish swimsuit (PHOTO) | LIFESTYLE


Fave Skorda found herself in trouble on the occasion of a beautiful photo with a bady and bady swimsuit that she uploaded to her personal account on Instagram

It's a photo of the needs of the competition where his friends should love photo to win the swimsuit. And what the numbers show, found the swimsuit resonant to those who follow it. But do not miss the sweet-bitters who have the opportunity to tell their cocoon ("I see Faye pulling the wallet of summer commercials." Do you tell them to the taxman or are they black? ") Or become extremely insulting to a woman who never gave her the right (" Jonanda returns to me and Mana ")

Up to now, Faye has collected more than 1,500 likes. found the opportunity to bile on the presenter by making unacceptable comments …

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