Fire: Anxiety for the missing


  Concern about missing persons in East Attica, a day after the beginning of the deadly fire, which (19459004) to more than 76 people, while the total number of missing persons remains unknown </strong></p>
<p style= According to the latest official information of the representative of the fire department, Stavroula Maldidi, the total number of adult wounded reached 164 and the children 23 . The spokesman said the service receives dozens of appeals for people whose luck is ignored

An open digital database ( /) has been put into service in recent hours, where anyone can download the photo of the person sought, as well as related information, while anyone with information can inform


This database currently corresponded to 5 afternoon photos 40 persons. The exact number of missing persons is however unknown. Firefighters also call relatives of missing persons to contact 199 to report the details of their own people


Of the 60 dead, the 25 died in a land plot area in the Jungle region to Mati, a few meters from the sea. Two dead were taken from the port in the Artemis maritime region.

According to the data of the Ministry of Health, 71 hospital members remain hospitalized 71 wounded adults, including 10 cannabis . Many of those initially transferred or arrived on their own in hospitals have already been released, while others will be able to leave after 48 hours. Of the 23 children who were under observation earlier in children's hospitals, the 12 were released while 11 children are still hospitalized

More precisely:

– Γ.Ν.Α. "Evangelismos": 17 hospitalized and 6 cannibals


– Γ.Ν.Α. "KAT": 3 hospitalized patients and 4 cannabis patients,
– Γ.Α.Α. "Sismanoglio": 26 hospitalized,
– Γ.Ν. Elefsina "Thribadio": 9 hospitalized,
– PGN "Attikon": 6 hospitalized and
– GNPadon A. "Agios Sophia": 23 hospitalized (children). In the early afternoon, they were released at 11 o'clock.

The government implemented the loss management plan and the victims are transferred to the Goudy morgue to identify them

All the dead up to now were found in the area between Rafina and Nea Makri, specifically at Mati and Kokkino Limanaki, where they were trapped by flames in houses, cars or tried to escape from the sea. Both colonies look like to a bombed landscape

<p style= Two Poles among the victims

Two Poles, a mother and her son, are among the victims of the fires in the country, as confirmed the Polish Foreign Ministry, quoted by the Xinhua News Agency

At the briefing of journalists in Warsaw, Arturo Lombard, the ministry spokesman, confirmed that a woman and her son are among the 10 of the other people who drowned

Hundreds of houses destroyed

The main road of Mati recalls a landscape of war … Trees, burnt cars, cars,

 The fire of the Mafia

Heavy machinery, accompanied by representatives of the municipality, arrived in the area to clear the streets by removing stones from the PPC. Several vacationers have left the area to be saved from the fiery torment. Red Cross blocks are transferred to hotels in neighboring areas to provide services to those who fled there

Al. Three days of national mourning

Three days of national mourning were declared by Alexis Tsipras in his statements on television, calling the country "unspeakable tragedy" and pledging that no one would be left helpless, nothing and nobody would be forgotten. and nothing will be left unanswered

The meeting held in Maximos in the afternoon under the Prime Minister was completed shortly after 4 pm

During the meeting, Mr. Tsipras is maintained by telephone with the President of Turkey Taylor Erdog (19459005) Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the municipality of Rafina-Pikermi in the morning, where he attended a meeting with the mayor, representatives of the local government and deputies from the region of Attica

According to blue sources, local authorities informed him of the scale of the disaster and unfortunately expressed their concern that the death toll would be more higher than the initial estimates due to our many fellow citizens in search and not yet identified. They were also told that the number of houses totally destroyed remains uncertain, and how many of them are permanent.

For his part, Mr. Mitsotakis pointed out that he would do his best to help find places to shelter families who lost their homes. That's exactly what he immediately discussed with KEDE President, MG Patoulis, who also found himself in the area, asking for support from neighboring municipalities. .gr / Content / ImagesDatabase / 94 / 94973f1f35ab41249a3fcd17e3a5b1fa.jpg? v = 1 & maxwidth = 650 && watermark = magnify "width =" 650 "/>

A set of measures for those affected by the fires announced by the Deputy Minister of Finance Katerina Papanatsiou These include the extension for the filing of a tax return at the end of September, the release of housing by ENFIA and the six-month extension for the payment of down payments due to Late debts

Restriction of vehicle traffic

according to a new police report in the afternoon of Tuesday, the traffic of vehicles at Marathon Avenue . At the same time, Poseidonos street remains closed to Mati, from Kokkino Limanaki to the intersection with Agios Andreas Street. Similarly, Cyanis Akti at Mati Street, from Marathonos to Poseidonos, remains closed.

For the causes of the deadly fire in Attica, the Prosecutor of Areios Pagos, Xeni Demetriou ordered research Public funeral expenses

Public funeral The funeral of the victims of the fires will be executed

Also, after the declaration of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of the three-day national mourning for the victims, the Minister of the Interior, Panos Skourtetis, chose the right middle Theodoros [19659002]

In the preventive evacuation of the settlements of Leontari, Nea Politia and Katsivari to Loutraki, as well as camping in Alepochori, because of the great fire in the Kineta region, the local authorities proceeded on Tuesday afternoon . The fire at the front of Kineta and that of Athens Attica remain in progress, while the positive to the firefighters' efforts is that the strongest winds, to some

In the wider area of Kineta, 150 firefighters with 74 vehicles, 17 hikers, 20 aquifers, 4 volunteers and 9 projectors from the Attica region, the municipalities, try to extinguish the fire

At the Another big fire, which took place yesterday afternoon in a forest area in the Kallitechnoupolis region of the municipality of Rafina-Pikermi Attica, 190 firefighters with 96 vehicles, 12 volunteer firefighters participated in the extinction (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {19659046] if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {
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