Fire in the eyes: Slope detected by divers in the Red Sea – In the 25 missing persons – Society


The body of another victim of Mati's deadly fire was spotted, this time at sea, and especially at the Red Sea, at the bottom of which the Coast Guard's underwater Tuesdays spotted the body, probably a man. on the port of Limenikos and from there it was transported to the port of Rafina to be received by the EKAB.

Then, he will be transferred to the morgue, thus raising the macabre list to at least 89 dead, hoping that the results of the Forensic Laboratories and Investigations will not give a greater number of victims

. 7 dead. There are fewer firefighting investigations in the Land of Mati, as they have been completed in houses and water courses with negative results up to now and are simply checked twice. for the signs.

sea, as the coastal research was completed with negative results and the sea area of ​​Rafina in Petali, Makronissos and Kea with divers and deep water is swept, with the result that today

It was noted that most of the investigations, which had not been detected anywhere else for five consecutive hours, led to investigations in fear of any other victim

. the weight now returns to the Criminal Investigations Branch to complete the thriller of the 25 missing persons, still in fear that some cases may not even identify …

The Gruesome List and Agony Up # 39, that identification is complete [19] 659008] The process and cross-checking of the fire brigades formally reveals that there are 25 missing persons, who have been officially declared by their own people in "199 And for which investigations are continuing. Therefore, the final report will be 89 or more victims, with research today.

It is stated that the total number of searches was 84, of which 59 have been identified so far and 25 are missing, pending identification of the remaining 29 remaining bodies, along with the current

According to the National Health Care Center, 4 people were hospitalized in Attica hospitals

This practically means that people officially dead and identifiable on the day the fire broke out, for whom their are aware, is 63.

The other 29 pending identifications are the most difficult because they fear that what happened last Friday, where in a bag there was a pile but with badimilated the genetic material of four people!

Just because there is this question and the laboratory badysis still missing for these 29 may be over 29, so 92 dead or 89 plus plus 25 dead and single enter different bags of members of the same corpus and so explain the mystery of the 25 missing persons

This means that they may be more victims, but perhaps even those who seem to date, ie 89 with those who are arrived at the Hospitals. , if parts of the same body are in different bags, depending on what will happen in the forensic laboratories, after studying cases of human segments that could have hooked to each other. .. or rather be in parts of the same body

This will be the case for the next 24 hours to complete the terribly difficult identification process that has now focused on almost completely cremated victims. This was also the reason and explanation of the inability of the authorities before reaching this point to report the number of missing persons

In addition, the 25 missing persons may to be in the body of the Laboratories under review it can and can not, something that will also appear, at the end of the process of identification. In addition, 71 relatives of missing persons gave a sample of DNA to the authorities for crossing and identification with the bodies. This figure is not the same as the body because most cases came from the same family.

It is noted that more than 40 statements of missing persons were removed from the list after they were found. but they did not immediately inform the Authorities

Of the 164 adults, 43 and 10 were hospitalized in the USI hospitals, since another wounded in the "evangelization" had to be intubated. Of the 23 children, he was hospitalized in children, one.

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