"Fire" launches statement by the US ambassador to Kosovo on a possible land swap with Serbia


"Fire" lit a statement by the US ambbadador to Pristina in Pristina showing that the territorial integrity of Kosovo no longer appears to be a "red line" for Washington. an idea of ​​land exchange with Serbia that would lead to the division of Kosovo would mean war. "Ramos Haradinaj even pointed out that it's dangerous to talk about such a solution." Everyone started when the US ambbadador to Pristina, Greg Delawi, left open the possibility of ## 147 ## 39, exchanging land between

In the question of whether the exchange of territories between Serbia and Kosovo could be negotiated in the Belgrade-Crisis Dialogue, Critia refrained from directly responding as it did so in direct negotiations with Serbia and Kosovo.

"I will not talk in detail about something that may be part of the final agreement. […] I do not speak because an internal dialogue should be preceded by the participation of all parties in Kosovo where everyone will express his point of view. "

The US ambbadador stressed that it is a historic opportunity to overcome the tensions

M. Delawi reiterated that support for Kosovo's independence remains firm on the part of the United States, but he also stressed that policies are adapted to the new circumstances. "People react as things change, a lot has been achieved between Greece and FYROM, so our position changes as the data changes, and we celebrate the good news in this way."

note that a few months ago, the US ambbadador, Greg Delawi, categorically rejected the possibility of separating Kosovo from the exchange of territories

In support of the exchange of territories with Serbia, Gnionale, the mayor of the city, and the opposition leader of the main opposition party, LDK Democratic Union-LDK, Lutfi Haziri,

Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramos Ramush Haradinaj pointed out that it is dangerous to talk about such a solution. "Whoever refers to the division, the division of land, is wrong and will cause a tragedy in the Balkans," said the Prime Minister of Kosovo.

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