"Fire" lit garbage during SYRIZA demonstration in Volos


Endless scenes were performed Monday night at a public event organized by SYRIZA in Volos, alongside Deputy Finance Minister Katerina Papanbadiou and Tasos Tasropoulos, at its inauguration, during which members of the Committee of the citizen fight against Volos acted against the incineration of waste from the cement industry. AGET. The intervention was received in an anti-government manner with slogans against the Deputy Minister of the Environment Socrates Famelou, but also against the mayor of Volos, Achilles Beau.

The spirits were sharpened because the intervention did not end, so the event started with a delay of an hour and a half. T. Petropoulos called the protesters "Gotsamans" and "provocateurs", who seek to put an end to any dialogue, and added that they were acting like fascism.

It all started when T. Petropoulos stepped in when match committee members raised banners marked "Do not burn garbage AGET – Yes to Life"And began to shout slogans, including" Femmelle and Beo listen well, the burning of garbage will be left on paper ", while singing with a variant for the burning of garbage from the famous song" Three Voliotika children ", preventing thus the beginning of event.

Mr Petropoulos asked members of the Citizens' Committee to put their problem in a calm atmosphere, but that was not possible. That's why they accused them of not having spoken. He called the protesters of Gotzhan and provocateurs, who seek to end any dialogue, saying that what they do, is fascism. Then, with the men's escort of his personal safety, he himself shared the SYRIZA insurance and work program.

The spirits were sharpened and members of SYRIZA attacked with jarring, bullying, blatant odds, attempts at maneuvering and seized the banners held by the commissioners, who changed hands several times. During the tension, some members of SYRIZA launched a clue to repel the protesters by pushing and throwing their elbows, while others shouted the provocateurs. Finally, after about an hour and a half, at which time the tension did not fall at all, its members Match Committee left the room, and the event continued.

The wrestling committee conducted the whole protest peacefully and not violently, but with songs and slogans, to convey the message that we are no longer involved in any dialogue with a minister, a deputy, or a government representative.

"The deputy ministers and all government officials must understand that the local community will never allow to burn garbage ever and nowhere in Volos! If our current protest was fascism, what is their imposition forever and everywhere poisons and of the pollution that they impose in our city, ignorantly ignorant of the local society that told them a big NO to burn … but they know very well to do NO YES … ", said the Volos Match Committee following the events.

In a statement NE from SYRIZA, Magnesia, in particular, states:

The event started with a delay due to the incredibly undemocratic behavior of a small group called Volos Citizens Agenda. The above-mentioned persons did not attempt to protest the problem they are concerned about, as they did not ask any questions to the government officials present. Obviously, their real goal was to prevent the event from happening.

Voice, screams, children's songs, banners in front of speakers and other unprecedented provocations and ridiculous incidents, they refused to speak despite repeated suggestions from the Bureau to position themselves.

As we have always believed, we still affirm today that the anti-concentration and dissolution of political parties is an extremely undemocratic act, whose historical sources are linked to the deplorable practices of gangs. right and EOKF during the first decades following the civil war.

Especially for a major environmental problem that affects the community of Volos, their practices offer the worst services and help to counter it, and it is obvious that they are concerned that their intentions are targeted elsewhere.

Let us take it seriously in the bodies of society which, with their pure intentions, have followed them up to now in some of their actions.

And he concludes:

We call on other democratic parties, municipal movements and all sections of Volos' civil society to condemn these miserable practices and to isolate this macabre group in the only space they deserve: that of the graphic, deep and undemocratic margin .

We welcome the attitude of our hundreds of fellow citizens, many of whom have no organizational relationship with our party, who, through their democratic spirit, their temperament and their fierce struggle, have canceled the plan of this small group to incite to violent episodes.

The harshness, provocation and shameful spread of lies continues today with the publication of a terrible announcement that tries to show them as victims of violent acts that never happened.

If anything impresses in the announcement of SYRIZA Magnisia, there is reference to the "group" called "Committee for the Civil War of Volos", while this "group" was the one organized on May 5 by the rally against the Waste incineration the unprecedented participation of 10,000 citizens in Volos. In addition, he says there has never been any violence, which falsifies local media videos, as well as what we publish.

As much as power-holders and some media try to despise and ruin the honest and just struggle of citizens, we are turning away undemocratic charts from the margins, weakening their own undemocratic behavior towards complaining citizens. of the most important problem, their health and their lives and trying to influence public opinion against us, so strengthen our stubbornness and cohesion of society. Because it is quite understandable that those who do not want dialogue are the same. Why, as many times as we were beaten, they said that they would do something, but I was wrong.

"Let the citizens know that the decentralized administration of Thessaly, the SYRIZA government, has approved the SRF unit, which Beos wishes to serve the GNTO. And so that it does not have to." It does not have to be approved by the Regional Council, "says Volos Committee Volunteers in its response and invites citizens to participate in the Pabloolitiko-Pan-Educative Rally on 13-2-20-2019.

In an badociated ad, Environmental Initiative of Magnesia said:

Citizens have the inalienable right to complain about serious problems that affect them, especially when they affect their health. Even if the protest also has elements of exaggeration. In no case is it possible to prevent them and even more to do justice

In this case, the event focused on the serious problem of incineration of waste from the factory AGET, for which serious responsibility was incumbent. MS Famelos, Minister of the Environment, and therefore all government ministers, as well as local MPs and SYRIZA in person

Protestant citizens obviously did not go to speak at the event, but to express their strong protest. In addition, their similar positions in similar events, despite the promises of government actors, were forgotten at the end of the event. As cancer continues in the city of Volos …

The ratings, which are included in the announcement of the NU. of SYRIZA, such as: a small group, a macabre group and the resemblance of the citizens with the right-wing bands and the EOK, are unhappy and show a lack of anger.

And he calls "SYRIZA and the government to stop seeing the tree, but to see the forest, which is the problem of the health of citizens, otherwise the struggle of the citizens of Volos will continue."

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