"I think men are scared of me because I am a strong character."
She may have dared Greece's Next Top Model, but, as she says, it hurt her in her personal life. The bady Meggy Drio, who does not mince words, tells the Secret of Parapolitics and Sasha Stamati that men do not flirt with her.
"I think men are scared of me because I am a strong character.What I want from a man is emotion and not material things." Technology and evolution, beautiful things have been lost, like flirting.I am generally a woman who does not need confirmation.I have been loving for four months, but that does not I am used to loneliness because I have found it with myself.I am deeply deprived of a person who will make me feel feelings like love, pbadion , tenderness and protection, "said Megri Dio.
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