For the first time, hybrid northern rhinoceros embryos threatened with extinction


The first hybrid rhinoceros embryos in the world created by Europeans and other scientists using badisted reproductive methods

Northern white rhinoceros is a mammal most threatened extinction, with only two animals of this kind in the world

The realization creates hopes to save even the genes of the northern white rhinoceros, since after the recent death of the last male there are only two females in the world [19659002] Extracorporeal fertilization has already been used in large mammals such as horses, but for the first time, embryos are successfully cultured in the laboratory up to the blastocyst stage, which is mature for implantation. in a female

The researchers, led by Thomas Hildebrand of the Zoological Research Institute, Leibniz, Berlin, and Cesare Ghalli, of the Avantea Medical Laboratory, published the journal Nature Communications

Embryos are hybrids because they are a hybrid of white rhino and a closely related rhinoceros species

Researchers used frozen sperm from dead white rhinoceroses and, because There are few female eggs of this type, they fertilized by the technique of microfertilization or insemination of the eggs of the southern white rhinoceros

Thus, hybrid embryos derived from rhinoceroses northern and southern whites, which have reached maturity to the blastocyst stage, were then frozen for future implantation in females

The next challenge for scientists is to successfully implement the Hybrid fetus, then pregnancy, on the other hand to take eggs from the two female Northern white rhinoceros living, so that the following laboratory embryos do not need to are now hybrids with the southern white rhino.

With information from APE-MPA

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