Framing frame and ink meeting with the queen of tea reception by protesters [εικόνες]


Donald Trump and Melania were found in Winders Castle for the meeting with Queen Elizabeth.

The 92-year-old monarch welcomed the US presidential couple to Windsor Castle, one of the UK's official royal residences.

Tramps entered the castle with one of the Queen's Range Rovers and not with the famous Beast of the American President.

They were captured, saluted by hand and standing by his side for the necessary photographs

Then the Recall of the American National Hymn and Donald Trump, Queen Elizabeth inspected the abomination. Elizabeth gave the necessary instructions on how they would stand, with the confused Trump for a moment and the loser of the eyes

of his. She found him in the next second next to him, but on the other side.

Elizabeth and Donald Trab returned to the tent where they had been installed and the Incas waited for them to attend the mini parade of the Royal Guard.

Then they all entered the castle where the President a couple of Americans will have the opportunity to drink tea and talk to the queen for half an hour.

At the same time, however, outside Windsor Castle, protesters were gathered, expressing their protest during Trab's visit. "Why do you welcome him to us?", "Shame on us that you invited him to us", "That you made me unhappy", "Tramp is toxic", "Naughty Tramp "," Fascist, racist, "they only write some of the banners held by protesters outside Windsor Castle.

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