France: The flight of Air China returns to Paris after a bad alert – World


A flight of Air China on the Paris-Beijing line returned today to an airport in the French capital 30 minutes after the plane was diverted from the bad alert due to A misunderstanding between a ground pbadenger and the Chinese airline, the French Airports Agency of Paris.

Air China announced in the afternoon that flight CA876, which had taken off at 12:59 (1:59 pm) from the Charleston de Gaulle airport, was forced to return to Paris because of 39, a terrorist "threat".

"For security reasons, the CA876 returned to Paris where it landed safely," said the Chinese company on social networking sites

This false alarm is due to a misunderstanding between a pbadenger ground and the company. the police of Paris airports. "A pbadenger delayed because of an abandoned package at the Roussillon airport called the company saying that there was a bomb in the terminal and his interlocutor understood that there was had a bomb in the plane, "said the source. the man – who is an Australian according to a research source – was arrested, according to the same source.

"The plane landed at Roussi at 13:55 (14:55 Greece time) and returned after just 30 minutes of flight," added the authorities.

All Boeing 787 pbadengers will depart for a flight to Beijing today at 22:00, the source said. Deferred ();

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