Free cleaner 53 years old who moved Panhellenic


The cleaner, aged 53, is free after noon after a decision taken in the morning by the five-member court in Larissa. The case that provoked a storm of reactions and upset the world ended well.

The media spoke at length about this affair. It was a case of sentencing a 53-year-old woman to 10 years imprisonment because she had falsified the certificate of completion of primary school to find a job.

According to, the woman will be released for health reasons, until the case is referred to the Supreme Court.

It is recalled that this development comes after the intervention of the Supreme Court Prosecutor, Xenis Dimitriou, who asked that the decision in question be communicated to him to consider whether there were any reasons justifying the decision. disciplinary review of the judges who issued it.


Satisfied with the decision of the Larissa Court of Appeal composed of five members, the lawyer of the cleaning lady and her daughter declare it.

The lawyer, Giorgos Sinelis, expressed optimism that "the Supreme Court will also accept the appeal, among other things, he said that he believes there was no fraud because it was interrupted. Since his execution Regarding the issue of counterfeiting, he stated in a statement that "the falsification of a document concerned the false diploma, that is to say that the fifth primary was accused of "F" but having rendered her services, and in my opinion the services were taken into account equally and this did not affect the provision of the service as she was a housekeeper. " There was no role for the 5th or 6th "in providing the service". For her part, the maid's daughter, Niki Tsiantaki, said she was satisfied with the court's decision and the people who supported her family to add that she was eager to see her close mother.

S speaking to, Niki Tsiantaki said: "Thank you very much to all those who stood by her, I thank the Greek justice who found that what had happened to my mother's face was an injustice My mother has worked over the years, offered to her family, to her children, to become valuable people in society.Whatever we are right now, we owe it to our mother.I want to see her, kiss her and spend the holidays with her.My child continually asks her grandmother, we have several days to sleep because this whole situation has all afflicted us.I talked to my mother, she is very worried and we expect to kiss her. "

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