French deputy meets Christodoulides – Talking about the Cyprus issue | World


Cyprus Foreign Ministers, Nicos Christodoulides and France, Jean Le Diane

The two ministers, according to an announcement made in Nicosia, today held a meeting in the margins of the Foreign Affairs Council from the EU, discussed current developments on the Cyprus issue, in anticipation of the visit by the UN Secretary-General's Special Adviser, Jennifer Lut, to resume negotiations as soon as possible. In the context of the Cyprus debate, an exchange of views was also held on the need for the unrestricted renewal of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus.

The two ministers also held an exchange of views on bilateral relations two countries, and decided to continue the debate in the context of a visit of Mr. Jean Le Diran to Cyprus in the near future [19659002] Given the particular interest of France for developments in the Eastern Mediterranean region, whether regional developments and specific ways to undertake collective actions to promote a positive program in the region [19659002]

The Minister of Foreign Affairs @Christodulides met today with his French counterpart @JY_LeDrian in Brussels. #CyprusProblem #CyprusProblem #RegionalCooperation # Congratulations #WorldCutton

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