AEL was better at the start, Karanika having had the first two good times in the 5th and 15th, but Sotiriou was away. Dina's answer arrived at 18 & # 39; with a foul, while Meiado at 28 & # 39; threatened to beat Theodoropoulos.
At half-time, both coaches made several changes with OFFI being better in the recovery and opening the score at 58 after a nice cooperation from Neira and Korovesi and shooting from the latter.
Korovesis could score a second goal in 66's but failed. In the last 20 minutes and because of the rain, the pace of the race has dropped a bit.
OFI (Nikos Papadopoulos): Sotiriou, Kiliaras, Komessidis, Potouridis, Deligianidis, Nastos, Megiados, Vouo Ntinas, Plattellas, Sbadi Stresos, Fazos, Papazoglou, Bolakis, Korovesis, Papasterianos, Economou, Kyriakidis, Neira, Koutsianikoulis, while for a moment they fought as a change in the change and the Housewright, Kontogiannis
AEL (Sotiris Antoniou): Theodoropoulos (63 Soul Souloukos ), Karanikas (68 "Pinakas), Zizic (85" Bamis), Mora (46 "Golias), Gokovits (46" Gromitsaris ") Hughessev (46" Kbadados), Fathion (75 "Chalatsis), Petrovik (61" Kbados), Milosavljevic (46 "Ballas), Defenic (61" Papapotis), e, v, n, t, s) {if ( f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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