Frigoglass closes Kato Achaia's factory | Business


The immediate halt of the productive activity of the Kato Achaia plant continues with Frigoglbad. As announced today, this action is part of ongoing initiatives to restructure its productive fabric, which aims to improve its cost structure and strengthen its long-term competitiveness.

It is worth mentioning that Frigoglbad has implemented a number of initiatives in the past, such as a voluntary retirement plan, rotation, reduction of salary costs and the transfer of production. other factories in order to make the Kato Achaia production unit economically viable. In the end, the aforementioned initiatives did not render the Greek production unit of the competitive group.

The group's goal, according to the announcement, is to provide the best possible support to affected workers. In this context, he consulted the workers' representatives in Kato Achaia in order to jointly define the best possible conditions for the withdrawal of the employees concerned, according to the Group's capacities.

(Source: RES-MPE)

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