British police believe that the critically ill hospital at Emberley Hospital has been exposed to the Novabad neuropathy factor after touching an infected object. "
" Following new examinations of samples (taken) from patients, we now know that they were exposed to the neuropathic agent after touching a contaminated object, "said the police report, reported by Reuters and the French Agency and relaying the Athens Press Agency
.The police are now trying to determine as quickly as possible the source of the infection.
Earlier today, British Interior Minister Sajid Javi said that the two British could have come into contact with this substance at a different time. (19659002) said he it has not yet been possible to determine whether the neurotoxic agent comes from the same batch of Novitsok
"He was identified as himself a neuroparalytic agent that infected both Yulia and Sergey Scrypal" , said David to the deputies
. "
Jab íd called the Russians to "explain" the poisoning of the two Britons. It is now time for the Russian state to explain exactly what happened, "he said." This is not a fight with the Russian people. It is the actions of the Russian government that continue to affect our security and that of the international community, "said Sadjid Jasvid." It is totally unacceptable for our citizens to be intentional or accidental targets, or anyone else. pouring poison into our streets, parks, cities, "he added.
The Russians said today that they had no information about the new intoxication."
However, according to Sajid Javi, we must expect "a new misinformation of the Kremlin as we have seen after the Salsbury attack."
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