"From darkness to light" in the Epicurion Apollo Temple – SKAI (www.skai.gr)


An exciting encounter with history and nature at 1000 square meters. Archaeological site, more than 800 spectators, Greek and foreign, and 40 participants at night, is a first review of the interactive night performance "From Darkness to Light" edited by the internationally renowned choreographer Apostolia Papadamaki and took place on 28 and 29 July at the Parthenon of the Peloponnese, in the temple of Epicurius Apollo

The performance series entitled "The Sleep & Dream Performance Series", which won the public and the critics during its presentation at the Borre Museum (2014) On the central stage of the roof (2016) at the Piraeus Municipal Theater (2017), he traveled for the first time to the Temple of Epicurius Apollo in Figaleia on the border between Ilia, Arkadia and Messenia, at 1130 meters above sea level. Altitude

Dedicated to the innumerable possibilities of the human body artistic proposal "From darkness to light" he composed a dream experience in the vicinity of the iconic church, the work of the architect Iktinou.

Overnight visitors were invited to write their dream anonymously when they entered the show.

Shortly after 23 hours, when viewers with free entry are gone, nightlife put their sleeping bag in "dream space"

All night long In the early hours, Apostolia Papadamaki recounted the dreams of those who remained at the Temple under the original music of Tryfon Koutsoureli. The award-winning composer and close collaborator of the choreographer created a 14-hour musical work that combined the actions of night performance. For the composition of the project, data from the temple architecture were used, which were transformed into sound by the method of sonification of the data

Apostolos Papadamakis guided the audience in the land of dreams in search of Apollo's light and succeeded with ingenuity and aristocracy to connect the performers and dancers with the audience in the light of the Plenum and the East.

The performance of the day attempted to mark the relationship of man with darkness and light, the spectacular action with sleep, dreams and imagination through dance and music.

The distinguished choreographer inspired ceremonial "incantations" of ancient Greeks and temple features: power, beauty and harmony

The extension was funded by the Ministry of Culture and Sports. support of the Greek National Tourism Organization and the Western Greece Region in collaboration with the Ilia Archaeological Department and the Andritsena-Kristen Municipality

On the morning of Sunday 29 July, a Traditional lunch was offered to participants

The Minister of Culture and Sports, Lydia Koniordou, notes inter alia: "The process described by the performance, our rise from darkness to light is the goal of any At the same time, however, there is also a transfer of the difficult days we are going through.Through the darkness of destruction, loss and fire, we discover solidarity, generous help and Altruism As long as people around us can help us go from light to shadow, we have the right to hope. "

Konstantinos Tsegas, Secretary General of the 39; Greek Tourism Organization, has pointed out that new places as ideal cultural and historical destinations. "

The head of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia, Dr. Erofili-Iris Koly, spoke of the history and significance of the temple:" Built in the high mountains of the Western Arcadia, in the Vbades, at 1131 m altitude, by the inhabitants of the ancient city of Figalleia, the Temple of Apollo a distinct place among the monuments created by the 39, ;Greek antiquity. According to Pausanias, the fragment of the "Parthenon of the Peloponnese", the work of Iktinou (420-400 BC), is one of the best examples of architecture clbadic, with peculiar and conservative peculiarities. This must also be the reason why, since 1986, the Temple of Apollo Epikourios is one of the ancient monuments of Greece on the UNESCO World Heritage List. "

The Vice Governor of Western Greece George Georgiopoulos and Deputy Mayor of Andritsena-Kresteni Miliades Georgakopoulos.

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