Full Moon and Eclipse and Honda Comet – The Strange Things That Will Happen Tonight


An astronomical phenomenon, the eclipse of the Moon from the sky of the Earth, will take place shortly after midnight from Friday to Saturday, a full moon evening.

A full moon this summer and those who will look up in the sky

The phenomenon will last 4 hours

The eclipse of the scene, which will take in total about four hours and 20 minutes, will start at 00:34. Greece will culminate at 2:43 and will end at 4:53. The darkening of the moon is less spectacular than normal lunar eclipses of the Earth's shadow, and often goes unnoticed by unsuspecting observers because the darkening of the moon is partial However, as experts say, this particular eclipse should be quite intense, as the moon will penetrate far into the shadows and pbad "scratching" out of the Earth's shadow, which will make phenomenon [19659007]

A comet will come to see us

The full moon is celebrated today at 2:33 pm. Greece, the evening it will pbad to the nearest distance from Earth and the unusual comet of green color 45P / Honda, which will be visible with binoculars or small telescopes
One summer evening, allowing the time, will compensate those who turn their eyes to the sky


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