FYROM: Actor who destroyed the boundary of the pyramids at the border – Society


Finally, in the thriller with the destruction of the 105 pyramids that define the Greek-Macedonian border, it places the CIS of the neighboring country. a thief is a Macedonian citizen who has admitted that he was the one who had gone to their destruction.

In the Macedonian media, the Macedonian Interior Ministry speaks of a 36-year-old man from the village of Germen of Monastir.

In particular, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of Skopje said: "The Regional Center for Border Affairs" South has taken note of the incident of the 23rd of the current month, from 14:00 to 20:00 it has caused damage and moved the delimitation plates between "Macedonia" Greece.As a result of actions that took place, it was found that "damage to foreign property" had been committed by BM, 36 years old, from the village of Germen of Monastir The BB was summoned to a police station where he confessed his act.In cooperation with the prosecutor's office of the first monastery and following the filing of the case, prosecution criminal charges will be brought against this person. "

It is recalled that on the last day, Detera exposed and abandoned the pyramids in the same place, on the border between the local community of Mesokambos and the local community of Achlada of the municipality of Florina.

According to the information 24/7, the authorities found traces of a bulldozer that would have exploded the pyramids while excluding the possibility that it was done by mistake, because the distance of the disaster was too great.

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