FYROM: Ivanov returns a bill to Parliament for Parliament – Vote again | World


The Macedonian Parliament will vote again on the law on the ratification of the Prespa Agreement

The bill was sent back to the Skopje Parliament for a new vote following the refusal of the President of the country, Yuriy Ivanov, to sign the agreement with Greece on nomenclature

The parliament of Skopje ratified the agreement on June 20 with 69 votes for and not for, since opposition MPs nationalist VMRO-DPMNE did not participate in the vote. For the Prespa Agreement to be adopted, a majority of 61 MPs to vote in favor would be needed. In case the new agreement approves the agreement, it is again sent to President Ivanov, who, according to the Constitution is obliged to sign it.

According to media reports in Skopje, Ivanov will not sign a decree to ratify the agreement and apply the so-called "pocket veto", as was the case with the law on the expansion of the use of the Albanian language in the country

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