Game of Thrones: first nominees for the Emmy Awards | modules, media


The fantasy series "Game of Thrones", staged in the Middle Ages, tops the list of nominations for the Emmy, the largest on American television, bringing together 22 nominations, including the Best Drama Award.

The popular series of the HBO network, which has been awarded 38 times in six TV shows but did not participate last year in time constraints, as we saw more Later, faced with stiff competition: NBC's "ght Live", the oldest American TV show with satirical sketches and a sci-fi series "Westworld", also featured on HBO.

The third place of The list, with 20 nominations, is Hulu's "The Handmaid's Tale" series, based on Margaret Attwood's novel "The Story of the Purple Slave" and was awarded the title of "The Handmaid's Tale" by Hulu. last year.

The Netflix network gathers most of the nominations, 112, followed by HBO with 108, while NBC has 78 nominations, as reported by the Athenian Agency

Oscars of the TV winners will be announced on September 17, at a ceremony in Los Angeles.The animators will be Michael Cse and Colin Thost from "Saturday Night Live".

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