Gaza stops – New shelling and violent clashes


According to the latest report, at least four Palestinians, whose three Hamas "fighters" were killed by the Palestinians, were killed in the Gaza Strip, and the death toll has been steadily increasing. The Israeli army, which was mbadively bombed in the Palestinian enclave. At the same time, the Israeli armed forces announced the death of an Israeli soldier from a Palestinian fire

Fighter planes and tanks were bombarding "military targets in the Gaza Strip" announced earlier by the Israeli army, accusing Hamas of climbing. New Palestinian demonstrations took place near the security fence that separates the Palestinian enclave of Israel.

According to the Hamas Ministry of Health, two Palestinians were killed by Israeli soldiers near Han Jounes, in the southern Gaza Strip of the Israeli army. Another was killed in Rafah. The Hamas army confirmed that all three were his "fighters".

A fourth Palestinian was killed near the border, east of Gaza City


Israeli security forces intensify air bombing on ] #Gaza . 19659010] "A Firm Response" Promises Israel


During the current episodes, an Israeli soldier died, which, according to Tel Aviv, was fired by a Palestinian armed group.

He is the first Israeli to die since March 30, 2018, when the new wave of tension erupted in the region.

In the aftermath of the incident, the Israeli Defense Minister stated that Tel Aviv would react "more difficult" against Hamas if it did not stop firing rockets into Israeli territory

] UN calls for de-escalation

At the same time, UN special envoy for the Middle East, Nikolai Mladenov, calls Israel and Hamas to prevent escalation of violence by posting on Twitter. "Everyone in the Gaza Strip should move away from the edge of the cliff Not next week Not tomorrow

" Those who want to provoke a war between Palestinians and Israelis should not do so ", he added.

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