Gennimata: Much more with the "TAG of irresponsibility" SYRIZA and SW | POLICY


An attack on the government and ND unleashed Phofi Gennimatas, addressing members of the Movement for Change, in Kos, where she completed her three-day tour of the Dodecanese.

Mr Gennimata spoke of a "tango of irresponsibility" that prolongs the dead ends of the crisis.

The gentlemen "Tsipras and Mitsotakis are trying to determine who is the best student of the Berlin and Brussels schools of grace," Gennimata said, adding that SYRIZA was a right-wing neoliberal government and the best donor of ND.

"Whatever the government says, it can not hide the effects of its own politics under the rug," he said, adding that "this is the latest government mandate from a group that has violated Principles and values: an opportunist group without an ideological identity, which reminds nothing of the left, nothing progressive, on the contrary, they exposed the left and its struggles in the eyes of citizens. "

As stated by the president of the Movement for Change, he must end "this richer two-party game, which intensifies polarization and division for reasons related to small parties." Referring to the attitude of the government and the opposition during the revision of the Constitution, Ms Gennimata said that Mr Tsipras and Mr Mitsotakis are playing on this issue.

"Each for his own benefit and the two together to press our own vital political space.We will not make them happy: we were the first to define strong positions for the Constitution and to include them in the public debate. world above them to see if they really want convergence or play – again – a cheap theater! ", he explained.

Ms. Gennimatas accused SYRIZA of targeting the Movement for Change with a contempt conspiracy and attempting to influence justice by settling corruption cases.

He stressed: "To hide their own sins and their incompetence, they do not hesitate to go around the scandal.I will bring it back: Let everything be brought to light.Transparency for all and everywhere But that justice Do not be affected to do the job By relying on the institutions with which we have protected the rule of law, we are already producing results, no, we will not let political life change from place to place in a muddy arena, as this would undermine democracy.The panic of Mr. Tsipras will lead him to beg for everyone.To reach the democratic formation, he is able to reach up to … Eleftherios Venizelos! "

He has even pledged to defend the honor and reputation of the hundreds of thousands of members and faction members who have given their souls to the country and democracy all these years with ethics and honesty.

"In our line, we have yet seen the coordinated attack: Karamanlis cut, Tsipras whistles and Mitsotakis is a cautious proffesseur of a combination of influence.The Greek people will cancel his plans," said Fofi Gennimata.

As the majority of Greeks have declared wanting the strategic defeat of SYRIZA-ANEL but the non-return of the right. "This current can and must be met in the Movement of Change because neither the strategic defeat of SYRIZA, nor a political counterweight and an electoral dyke at the risk of a right-wing restoration can exist without a powerful movement of change Yes, they must "leave them." "Let's go now," but not for "the others to come," said the president of the Change Movement.

He called on the population to support it in order to impose the necessary conciliation on the country, ready to badume its responsibilities and play a catalytic role in the understanding and the evolution of the political situation.

"Voting in the Movement of Change means a repercussion not on the policies of SYRIZANEL and ND.Now yesterday.Not in maintenance.This means a powerful YES in progressive change.We are not the third pole.We are the only way to have a truly progressive governance, with a clear strategy and new national objectives, a new governance that will unite rather than divide, yes, in a new Hellenic Republic, "he stressed, adding:" We call for a strong mandate to act as an essential catalyst in the exploratory mandate to form a large-scale government that will finally provide a viable solution for the country ". country. A strong country at the center of European developments ".

Fofi Gennimatas spoke about the foreign policy of Andreas Papandreou and Kostas Simitis and spoke of a genuine patriotism that "will unite the Greeks, uphold national laws, enforce international treaties, create alliances by exploiting the our geopolitical position in Europe and in the world ", while criticizing the New Democracy by saying:" An authentic patriotism, away from arid nationalisms and patricades, far from the far-right logics such as those that In this strategy, we continue …. And I want here, from our most remote islands, to declare that true patriotism has been, is and will be a central element of our political course. "

In addition, Phofi Gennimatas explained in detail the position of the movement for refugee change, stressing in particular:

"We do not want a fortress Europe, we want a border protection." Here in Kos, with the coasts of Asia Minor visible to the naked eye, where our national borders are identical to those of Europe, I want to reiterate that we do not want "Fortress Europe." Our islands have paid a heavy economic and social toll, and we warned of the stalemate that was looming in Europe. The situation of the Dodecanese in Lesbos is now uninterrupted.

The islands of the eastern Aegean should be decongesting now. Their responsibilities are enormous for the burden on the islands and for the inhuman conditions in the immigrant camps, despite the financial support of the country. I proposed to the European socialists to create an "Agency for the promotion of cooperation between islands and border regions of the EU".

Ms Gennimata called for full transparency and accountability in the management of European funds and national spending, whether by the government or by international organizations and NGOs.

Source: RES

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