Gennimata: SYRIZA-ANEL or their departure can not lead with dignity


In fact, the country has no government, writes Fofi Gennimata in an interview with the Nation, referring to a homobadual play with Mr. Tsipras and co-starring Mr. Kammenos in full consultation and alternately roles

The President of the Movement Change notes that every day that pbades only a few people deny that staying in the power of a government irrevocably only causes damage instead, stresses that Tsipras- Kammenos can not manage their retirement with dignity and

In detail, interview:

Madam President, you called for "elections here and now" and you pointed out that the country needs a political change, namely elections and another government. What will change? Why does the current government not finish its mandate and finally decide on its work?

In fact, the country does not have a government. They doubt every day that the stay of the government in power of an irrevocable only causes damage to the place.It is a room dominated by the government of Mr. Tsipras and co-starred by Mr. Kamen in full consultation and alternating [19659003MaisilsnepeuventmêmepasdirigerleurretraiteavecdignitéLesélectionssontserréesetnousferonstoutnotrepossiblepourlefaireleplusrapidementpossibleLepaysamaintenantbesoind'unchangementpolitiqueetd'unepolitiquedechangementChangezdepolitiquepourfairesortircegouvernementarrêtezladescenteMaisilyaunbesoinpourunchangementdepolitiqueaveclagouvernanceprogressiveavecunplanglobalpourledéveloppementdurableaveclajusticesociale

Many consider the government – despite the d & # 39 signals; ban lenders – try before the elections or postpone pension reductions, to postpone the reduction of pensions. give a set of social benefits as a counterweight. Is it feasible?

The government "plays" with the anxiety of retirees. We will not allow it. That's why I asked the House to promise the Prime Minister that the pensions will not be reduced on 01/01/2019 and we have already tabled a bill to abolish the relative provision of cuts that SYRIZA / ANEL voted

. to permanently cancel the cuts in pensions and not to postpone them for a short time in the elections, so that the problem can be transposed later. Since, as they claim, we have a proper exit, a return to regularity, and we will not see the troika, they have nothing else to vote for this provision. We also called for the position of the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Mitsotakis. Engage on this issue in front of the Greek people and vote for our proposal

The Movement for Change will vote a package of benefits, for example to raise the minimum wage, to pay an allowance to retirees, the unemployed [19459006

I remind you that we have already voted for the meager premiums that this government granted last year, because even these few represent a large part of the society in need. At the same time we have denounced Mr. Tsipras and will continue to make it "left" to the sound … Each of his measures further degrades the social state and praises him to a "covenant". ; alms ".

We have a set of proposals with the lower pay reset in the jurisdiction of the National General Collective Agreement, the cancellation of the new increase in the contribution of the self-employed and farmers and the reduction of contributions of Insurance by setting a monthly ceiling, or family support and demographics with a substantial reinforcement of the third child

The scenario that Mr. Tsipras appealed to the elections before the Macedonian agreement was submitted to parliament is widespread. Can you?

Obviously, you are referring to the rumor … the collusion of Tsipra – Kamenou. But "destiny is impossible" for Mr. Tsipras. I imagine that at least he understands that. That is why, and to the extent that it will remain at its discretion to choose the time of the elections, it will do so on the sole criterion of the release of its safe electoral crush. And he proved that in his micro-party, he does not hesitate.

What agreement would you support for Macedonian with your vote in Parliament?

Although Mr. Chipras chose this delicate national subject of micro-criticism, polarization and division, we maintained a clear and responsible attitude. Unlike ND, he opted for a sterile opposition attitude and gave up his own positions and the ten-year-old national line.

We have clearly specified the conditions that would make a complete, viable and beneficial solution nationwide. In this context, our fundamental point of view is that the solution should address all aspects of irresponsibility in a definitive and effective manner. An agreement that includes the recognition of "Macedonian" nationality and the "Macedonian" language "stifles" irresponsibility and can not be accepted

Do you consider that Kyriakos Mitsotakis has lost his reformist profile, as many of Among them are recently charged

To lose something, you must have it. Mr. Mitsotakis is hungry and leads a deeply conservative and anti-popular clientele. No so-called modest reformist mask can hide the dangers of restoring law. I would like to point out here, after the debate in the House, that Mitsubishi and Mr. Tsipras are inferior to the circumstances.

The Independent Role of the Change Movement Means Ensuring the Third Mandate

We have an independent leadership role in political developments and later elections will seek to understand at the national level a progressive plan for its governance. What we will ask the Greek people for the elections is a strong mandate to guarantee political stability and progressive governance

Do you think the scandal will reappear during the pre-election period

is caught . So we expect that the leadership team of Mr. Tsipras and Maximis also use all the cruel means to attack their political opponents with slanders, lies and orchestrated attacks through their "yellow press" friendly. Our position is absolutely clear: Transparency everywhere and for all. However, opacity and corruption are dealt with by policies aimed at strengthening institutions and the rule of law. On the contrary, when they are used as pretexts for mortification and the moral extermination of political opponents, "medicine" becomes more dangerous than disease. For SYRIZA-ANEL, whose sole purpose is that their goal (s) sanctify the means, they are "beautiful imprints"

What do you observe in the proposal to split the Athens election region?

It is our struggle for two years to propose the division of large regions

It is a measure that will contribute to a more direct relationship of citizens with deputies and to the limitation and better control of candidate expenses

We are positive from the beginning and we are waiting

But I want to emphasize that once again, SYRIZA / ANEL does not legislate on principles but on opportunists [19659003] They abstained from our own proposal when they introduced the electoral law and insisted on refusing the vote. Greek voters living abroad, fearing the response of citizens that the crisis forced them to emigrate.

It is a fact that you have been credited with the effort to unify the center-left. But he left the river in a short time. Could you do something more than what you have not done? And now what?

I took the initiative, I did and will do everything in overcoming the difficulties, in order to create conditions of coexistence, cooperation and unity in the fragmented center of the left. This resulted in CHANGE CHANGE as a collective democratic acquis of its hundreds of thousands of co-founders. This achievement is not threatened because the co-citizens are the only and irreplaceable guarantors of his career. During the November elections and our unanimous decisions at the March conference, we clearly reflected our political and programmatic context. We are all committed to that. Everyone with the change of attitude badumes his responsibilities towards the progressive world and will be judged by him. We are going from the front with determination and optimism. The Movement of Change is getting stronger despite the blows. We proceed with those who want and can serve with responsibility and consistency the undistorted strategy of the autonomous role towards SYRIZA and SW

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