Gennimata: Tsipras and Mitsotakis choose polarization and division


Fofi Gennimatas, commenting on the intense confrontation of Tsipras Mitsotakis with an unprecedented political speech the day before, spoke of a polarization choice that the two politicians chose

"Mr. Tsipras and Mr. Mitsotakis have made their choice and their choice is again polarization and division.

The front was created in this country on the places of the indignant when Syriza, the New Democracy and the Golden Dawn swept together the president of Republic Let's Go to Ministers and Deputies

We are the opposite of those who say that Kouveli did the royal rights and those who today say to take up arms and go to Skopje [19659002] Finally support the conciliation and unity of the Greek people.Do you continue the same games for many years? The only way for the Greek people to speak in the elections to be held soon. The countdown began, but we had a foretaste today of the pre-election period with the polarization and division that, once again, led the country to mortal danger. There was no doubt about the fact that a progressive Greek citizen was wondering whether Mr. Tsipras had changed or not. "

Phofi Gennimatas, on the occasion of the bill proposed by the Democratic Party, made Alexis Tsipras accept here and now

" Social policies are not unique bonuses and rewards that will not bring that a small part of what you will get from Greek citizens. These are not the crumbs you are negotiating for the lower salary. If we really talk about social policy here, Rhodes for the government. I now ask the Prime Minister to commit to voting on the draft law on retirement pensions

As you say, Mr. Tsipras, we have clearly left the country and we have become a normal country since, As you say, the troika and the proud Greek government can decide to prove that your signature is worth it, make the decision now to pledge not to reduce pensions because New Democracy supports our proposal. "

Indeed, Ms. Gennimatta warned the government not to aixei games back to retirement report the temporary measure." Not be able to play games on the back of pensioners with a postponement to the implementation the measure of the measure here and now before the Greek people clear and clear choices "

The leader of the democratic party on the agreement Tsipra Merkel Mr. Chipras tells him that the German Chancellor tells him [19659002"TodayyoudowhattheChancellortellsyoutohearthesloganunderMerkelYoudonotchangeyourfacebutyouareajaneyouareonthesoundandontheflour"

But Ms. Gennimata criticized the initiative of Kyriakos Mitsotakis to table an amendment that would abolish the pension reduction and not approved the bill introduced earlier by the Democratic Party

" It does not matter. It was not necessary for Mr. Mitsotakis to table your amendment and you could simply say that I would support the proposal put forward by Ms. Gennimata and the Movement for Change. These are just things you do not need to make impressions. Three days led you to decide what to do about pensions, say yes, we support the bill.

Criticism for the leader of the main opposition and for not having accepted the elections before his decision Eurogroup

"You let the Prime Minister go and make commitments to the country that you are Obviously

That is why we said elections before the agreement and you Mr. Mitsotakis made an appointment in autumn and he has the god.

Mr. Tsipras became the great sponsor of New Democracy doing what he can to strengthen Mr. Mitsotakis. [19659902] People pay the marble paid dearly and Mr. Tsipras and Mr. Mitsotakis. "

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