Gennimata: Tsipras to "go back Madame Merkel" has now become … Merkelist


"The Movement of Change has an autonomous course and will not be a complement to SW or SYRIZA," said Fofi Gennimata, speaking in the main news bulletin of ALPHA.

"I gave my word to the 212,000 citizens who came to vote and vote for the Movement for Change.The Movement for Change is not the sum of the parties that make it up, nor the cooperation of the It is a Movement because it was created from the ground up by the Party, "he said, stressing that" we must strengthen ourselves to impose a national consensus around the world. " 39, a national line.We have no reason and there is no way to become a complement to one or the other.Our role is worth it s & # 39; He is self-reliant and self-sufficient. "

At the same time, he argued that a countdown on the government had begun and that he would hardly try to find the best time to go to the elections "The question is: How is Greece standing after this agreement and what is waiting for it? Why the clean exit does not exist. There are cuts in pensions, there is no tax, there has been severe regulation for several years, there are primary surpluses that are strangling growth, and of course the regulation of the debt is really anemic and keeps the uncertainty and insecurity for the future "said Mrs. Gennimatas, insisting on the line of national reconciliation in the aftermath of the elections.

He notably accused M Tsipras to become the beloved child of Mrs. Merkel. "From what he said" come back Mr. Merkel ", Mr. Tsipras became Merkelist today. It's a huge difference. All previous governments have resisted, negotiated. Too much of what Mr. Tsipras has said "yes" in recent years were the things that lenders claimed and where previous governments had objected and had not pbaded, "he said.

accused both A. Tsipras as well as K. Mitsotakis, that they are pursuing polarization rather than accepting a national line for the country to come out of the crisis.He also stressed that: "We have lived a difficult polarization over the years with the beginning of the memorandum, in the places of the indignados where SYRIZA, ND, HA were found there.After, the goal of polarization and division was our own relationship. polarization is the country, the Greek people, and in all the other countries facing financial problems and memoranda, there was a national plan and a concerted action to be implemented, and the time has come for us to do so too. This flag raises the slack "Ms. Gennimata added that the Movement for Change will seek the widest possible conciliation. We will try to ensure – and we have the strength to succeed – the greatest possible consensus. Everyone must take responsibility.

He nevertheless appealed for NATO to be no longer invited to Skopje now. "Make the decision that they will be called upon to complete the process that they have undertaken to complete.Our country should not give all its truce now, without being sure that the other party will be able to fulfill all the commitments that he has made, "added Ms. Gennimatas, adding that the agreement could still be improved


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