Germany: A list of 25,000 names to be exterminated by extremist extremists – SKAI (



This list, found during a raid on anti-terrorism in the state of Mecklenburg-Pomerania in the north last year, contains the names and addresses of people that the extreme right wanted to exterminate if it had the possibility or in case of crisis, Ministry

The existence of a list drawn up by extremist extremists and it contains the names of 25,000 people who have been identified as enemies of the far right revealed the police investigations in Germany, according to the Federal Ministry of Justice.

The incident was revealed at the request of Die Linke, data obtained by the German Agency on Tuesday

. which was found during a raid on anti-terrorism in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern last year, contains names and addresses of people that the extreme Right wanted to exterminate if the opportunity arose or in case of crisis. were already aware of the existence of another, containing 10,000 names and written by the neo-Nazi nucleus of the NSU

It is well known that extremist extremists in Germany establish "enemy lists" to exterminate

Germany: List of 25,000 names to be exterminated by extremist extremists
The list, found during a raid against anti-terrorism in the north of the country
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