Germany: Horst Zeheffer has resigned | World


German Interior Minister Horst Zeheffer, in conflict with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on immigration policy, decided to leave office, the Christian Social Union of Bavaria ( CSU) Horst Zeheffer made his intention known at a meeting in Munich behind closed doors, which was extended until late in the evening. Zeekhofer also plans to step down from the CSU presidency of the fragile government coalition, according to the same sources.

According to the German media, Zeheffer intends to resign from its two offices in order to lift the stalemate that was created in relations with Angela's Christian Democrat Party (CDU). Merkel.

The first reaction came from the head of KO. Alexander Dobbord, who pointed out that he does not want Mr. Zeehofer to leave, supports the leader of his party, who, as he said, should not be the victim of the demand for asylum

. he was consulted for more than seven hours without taking any decision and hastily interrupted his work.

"Plan of Merkel insufficient"

Earlier, according to a newspaper of the newspaper "Bild", the leader of the Christian Socialists would be dissatisfied with the results of the European Council on Migration, which it does not consider it equivalent to checks and returns at borders.

According to the report, Mr Zeheffer told the CSU Parliamentary Group, the brilliance of yesterday's meeting with the Chancellor had no effect and stressed that he only considered not the product negotiated by Merkel with its European partners as equivalent to its own proposals for border controls and repression

M. Zeheffer described Ms Merkel's plan as "inadequate" and argues that her proposals are not a solution, while "leading to more and no less immigration". For him, the only solution may be direct refoulement of migrants at the German border. "I can discuss everything with her (Ms Merkel), but not that we have equivalent solutions."

He even said that his point of view was shared by many Christian Democrats working at the Ministry of the Interior, while he was "visibly upset": "I'm going to Berlin special and the Chancellor moves 0.0 "19659002] For its part, Angela Merkel has earlier left the possibility that the CDU-Christian Democrat (CSU) on immigration policy could not be resolved tonight, but expressed her satisfaction with the outcome of the Summit that he describes as "equivalent" to the plans of Interior Minister Horst Zeheffer and warns that "the immigrant can really divide Europe". "I will do everything to ensure that the CDU and the CSU produce results that will enable us to take responsibility for our country," Angela Merkel said during her "Summer Interview". will be shown tonight from the second German public television channel (ZDF).

In the quotations from the interview that have already been published, the Chancellor seems "quite satisfied" with the outcome of the summit and stresses that her own desire is her feast to continue but the principle continues, "not unilaterally, no without agreement, and not against third parties ".

Overall, what he did in Brussels and the bilateral negotiations are equivalent to the plans of the UHC, he argues. "It's a success of the CSU, which has certainly pushed me a bit," he says, and warns that the immigrant can indeed divide Europe, "for I want to fight, 14 days ago, I did not know if I could do what I could do. "

In the same interview, Ms. Merkel also says that she has the same desire to reduce immigration in Europe and Germany. "The conflict only concerns the way," she says, while for her own role in the agreement with the European Union, she says, "I'm glad that many have worked together for this. compromise, but I did not kill a corner, you can take it for granted. "Asked about the statements of the Hungarian and Czech government, he said I'm sorry if there were misunderstandings and he said: "We have not closed anything, these are discussions that can begin."

We are all in favor of protecting the external borders, continues the German Chancellor. "It's fair and important, but we do not lift the bridges," he emphasizes and reiterates that he understands the desire of the Christian Socialists for more order at the border, but considers that with the agreement of the EU,

An agreement with Italy has not been possible so far, he added , to warn that "the Schengen system as a whole is threatened if we do not act in concert". When asked if the accusations of the Bavarian Christian Socialists hurt her, Merkel said the case was essential and said "sometimes in politics things are difficult and difficult to endure".

Source: RES-MEP

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