Germany: "Mayor of the night" with … a diploma in nightlife – World



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When the night falls in the cities of Germany and the alcohol flows abundantly, the problems happen. The new "mayor of the night" is expected to provide solutions and mediate between residents, businessmen and clients.

After 27 interviews on the new post of "mayor of the night" in Mannheim, Hedrick Mayer was selected. The student at mosques and long hair is eager to badume his new duties: "I really appreciate this craft," he says: at the end of the year 2019, the club is called upon to mediate between the clubs and the public administration, as well as between nightclubs, patrons and residents, to network the actors of the night and listen to the complaints of all the interveners

50 hours of work per month are planned for the post of mayor of the night. Hedrick Mayer wants to focus on the issue of security. He wants to remove the glbades around nightclubs, place sockets for bottles, and limit road accidents with traffic cameras. We also think of an economical night bus ticket of € 1.5 and free drinking water for thirsty nightclubs.

With a "degree" in nightlife

Meyer convinced the commission mainly because of his young age and because he has direct contact with Mannheim's nightlife. In addition, the 27-year-old student is now doing his postgraduate course on economics designing contests in the region of Rein-Neckar.

Safe nightlife is also a wish of the owners of the 120 bars and clubs in the city. And Mayor Peter Kurtz welcomes the decision to have another "mayor": "The mayor of the night strengthens the culture and economy of the night". According to him, the goal is to better network the night scene with the administration of the municipality.

40 men and women applied for the post of mayor at night, paid 1,200 € per month.

The first mayor of the night in the world took office in 2012 in the city of Amsterdam and the positive results are already evident: the violence of excessive consumption of alcohol, as well as dirt in streets and noise

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