Germany: Merkel – Zeheffer compromise on the refugee – world realized


The agreement between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Minister of the Interior and Head of the Christian Social Union (CSU) was reached on Monday evening

"We agreed", Zeheffer said and said "a very viable solution", referring to the creation of closed asylum centers near the German border, confirming that he will remain in the position of Interior Minister. .

Merkel: We found a good compromise

"I believe that after a hard fight and difficult days, we found a good compromise," said Chancellor Angela Merkel a few moments ago. CSU)

"We will set up transit centers in Germany, which is how the spirit of partnership in the European Union is preserved, and at the same time a decisive step is taken to restore order in secondary migration. "

Both parties would have accepted the creation of closed asylum centers at the German border, quick asylum applications and, in case of rejection, returns Immediate will be made. The compromise, according to the report, also provides for Mr. Zeheffer's stay in the ministry.

As stated on the website of the German newspaper, what is being discussed concerns the creation of a "transit zone" in Bavaria, where asylum seekers will be temporarily settled. There will be a quick process for reviewing applications, but refugees will not be allowed to leave the centers, and if their application is rejected, their refoulement will be forthcoming.

This proposal was already under discussion in 2015, rejected by the Social Democrats (SPD). According to the Bild SPD, such a solution is "not excluded".

With such an agreement, the paper continues, Mr. Zeheffer could remain at the Ministry of the Interior, as the Chancellor seems to accept. (1969007) Earlier, Interior Minister and CSU Horst Zeehofer had raised the thermometer of the controversy, stating, in the first place, that the return of such centers would be possible, "I will not leave a Chancellor Chancellor only thanks to me. "

"I am in an unthinkable situation for myself The person I helped get out of the saddle now throws me," said Zeehofer, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, and wondered: "Can I stay in a position if the baseline does not go? "

Just a little earlier, he and Merkel met with Federal President Wolfgang Schäuble, who attempted to publicize the escalating crisis. "The Union is at the edge of a cliff," Schauble said at an in camera session of the bipartisan parliamentary group, which lasted only half a year. -hour.

Meanwhile, it seems that Mr. Zeheffer is gradually losing support from his party's own staff. "I could not accept the resignation (by Horst Zeheffer) at night without a summit meeting.We now want to achieve a common result," said House of Communists Speaker Alexander Dobbord, while Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Sentre said that Zeheffer had taken a surprise stating that he was planning to resign, compromise, be in politics, for us there is no way exit the government or dissolve cooperation with the CDU ".

At the same time, according to a poll by the private television channel RTL, 67% of Germans consider "irresponsible" how the situation is managed by Mr. Zeheffer and his party, while the voters of the CSU, 49% are in favor of Chancellor Merkel and 48% in favor of the Minister of the Interior. In addition, 69% of respondents are in favor of a European solution, like Ms Merkel. However, 88% of the followers of the Alternative to Germany (AfD) are in favor of Horst Zeheffer

The deputies of the two conservative parties call Merkel-Zeehofer to find them

deputies of the two parties conservatives of the government The coalition calls on Chancellor Angela Merkel and Interior Minister Horst Zeheffer to put an end to their controversy over the immigration policy that threatens the government

At the joint meeting of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU) and the Bavarian Christian Socialists (CSU) unanimously called on leaders of both parties to reconcile

. The CDU veteran, Falker Cunter, said he was expecting a solution tonight. "We will stay together", he said, apprehended for a long time by those present

Alexander Dobruddy, considered harder, said that the problems were "solved" and reminded Members of the value of the two parties of the alliance. The Chancellor himself, addressed to the deputies, admitted that there is a strong desire to resolve the crisis and pledged to do the utmost to reach an agreement, as some participants told Reuters

Earlier, Wolfgang Schäuble, former Finance Minister and Speaker of Parliament, warned that the Conservative bloc was on the brink of abyss and called on both sides to reach an agreement
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