Germany "shakes the finger" in the EU and Greece | Plus: Politics


Germany has implied that it would not allow the European Commission to "turn a blind eye" on the country's post-memorandum, while in Greece it must honor its commitments , especially those relating to pensions

. Maxximus Mansion, for its part, does not consider the case of non-cutting pensions as completely over, as the Prime Minister knows that he will have to one way or another fill his basket on the road to elections. On the other hand, there is no agreement on the non-suspension of the measure, which means that in the coming months, a power game between Athens and Berlin will evolve (fundamentally ) about this question.

"We are careful to avoid continued reductions in pensions, which were a diet in the years of previous governments.In the state budget for 2019, the government will set development goals and will evaluate the social needs, "said Deputy Minister of Labor, Tasos Petropoulos (Sunday Nation), echoing the message that he wants to convey." Maxim's Mansion. "After all, the apparent intention of the government is that the prime minister be in the position of the FIT to make relevant announcements, and then post them, a few weeks later, in mid-October, in the draft budget.

However, since the question n & Is not concerned and that it is encroaching on the German Reform Reason and how it should be applied, and not simply be voted on, Maximus has a difficult mission ahead of him, although, as government sources point out, the Greek government is not alone in this battle and is not isolated. On the other hand, as showed the maneuvers of the German debt, when German sources revealed that Berlin wanted to prolong the maturation for 3 years and finally want 10, but wanted to prevent the maximum demands, she still shows who has the upper hand. within the Eurogroup. Maximus, however, will play in consecutive debates and the question of the European elections, ie there will be more turmoil in a European country that could result in a vote anti-social or anti-European citizens

However, Maximus will be in a tight state if he can not get something on the pension front, since pressure from party members is important, with parliamentarians and Party leaders explaining in their own discussions that they are going you must be given such positive messages in society, in order to establish that the country actually enters the path of development and therefore does not require unnecessary sacrifices and to allow SYRIZA to reconnect with the social forces and strata that strengthened it in 2015.


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