Germany: Zeheffer's resignation seeks opposition after suicide


The resignation of Interior Minister Horst Zeheffer calls opposition parties in Germany following the suicide of a young Afghan whose asylum application is denied. He is deported to Afghanistan with 68 other compatriots. 19659002] "It's time for Zeofer to leave," said Jan Corte of Die Linke.

Zeehofer's jubilation comments on the collective expulsion of Afghan asylum seekers because it coincided with the 69's anniversary, triggered his reactions. "Just 69 were brought back to Afghanistan for my 69th birthday and it was not on my order," Zeehofer said Tuesday.

Free Democrats (FDP) Guineen Gessen told Tagesspiegel that Zeofer expressed regret at the young Afghan's suicide on Wednesday, saying "deeply saddened, and we need to deal with it in a manner characterized by respect and will be held events. "When asked by a reporter about what he replied to all, he replied," I have nothing to tell them because I do not understand them. "

A spokesman for the Afghan Ministry of Refugees said the young man deported Hamburg on July 4, was hanged on Tuesday. A German immigration official said – provided it is not named – that this 23-year-old man from Balch Province, in northern Afghanistan, was living in Germany eight years before being repatriated.

A 19-year-old man from Wurdak Province noted that the autocrat was locked up.

Zeheffer leads the way by imposing much tougher policies against immigrants and refugees in Germany and more widely in European countries. and brought the government under Chancellor Angela Merkel to the brink of collapse, threatening to close the German border in some categories of migrants and refugees

Sources: AMP, DPA

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