"Gkiaris" is looking for shooting locations – culture


The recce organized by the Hellenic Film Commission of the Greek National Film Center for the British feature film "The Giaour" was successfully completed, according to an announcement from the Greek Film Center.

Recce is called the organization of exploratory trips of producers in different countries to choose the ideal places for the filming of their films. The process is a common practice of the Film Commissions to attract foreign audiovisual productions to our country, which, in any case, had to be done for years, but this has not been done since the Commissions of the Movie or not even in our country. .

Recently, the producer of this particular film, whose badets include such films as "My Friend and Me", "Mona Lisa" and "The Hard Word", had made a similar trip to Spain to search for sites. As far as our country is concerned, it all started at the Cannes Film Festival this year when Gareth Jones' first communications with the director of the Hellenic Film Commission Venia Vergos [19609005] were written by its director Rica Hochara, The scenario of "The Giaour" is inspired by his poem Lord Byron "Giaouris" (1813). We recall that the same poem inspired Delacroix to paint the "Battle of Giulis and Hasan" (1826).

According to ECC, the film's writing describes " a company between East and West in the Greek space of the Ottoman Empire." Different contexts religious and ethnic protagonists, as well as issues of badual identity and baduality, shape the context in which the plot develops . "

It should be noted that the production budget of" Giaour "s pupil at 3 million (19659007) At the end of July, Gareth Jones and Vena Vergou visited several places in Greece The sites in the north of Greece were suggested by the manager of the site Tatiana Vervi . Locations in Crete were proposed by the Indigo View production team, Ioanna Dave and Dimitris Xenakis . During their visits, they had the opportunity to meet representatives of municipalities and local regions.

Still according to ECC, Jones experienced left excited by the sites he visited.

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