Glyfada Brings Aggressive Panathinaikos –


Tomas Peckhart and his wife, and especially the Czechoslovak woman, spend most of their time in our country lately in Israel …

The couple, you see, bought a house in Glyfada formalize the pbadion with the "blue-white".

And because this love border does not know, one reads in the journal PARISKINIA of SPORTIME that Thomas Pechkarte … seeks a return in Greece, because in the new team of Yannis Anestis he does not find any space , plays little and usually does not burn "to keep it.

Earlier, we had heard that the Czechs had invented the PAOK, but … it had been cut because the Savvides family was looking for something more" brilliant "in mind that the" honest "Thomas as AEK's friends called him.] However, according to the report, we can not see Peekhart playing with Panathinaikos who seeks an aggressive, experienced.

There is not much money, even for the "greens" that go through difficult days, until the change of the administrative.You see if Pehkhtar is free of charge. Israel, so for the sake of his wife and Greece, he will drop his coffin to 3 00.000 euros per year

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