Good bills make good friends


"I want to believe that both parties want this fact to remain in the past, to continue to have these good, well-established relations between our country and Russia," said Deputy Foreign Minister George Katrougalos. the afternoon magazine of the Athens-Macedonian press agency "104.9 FM Agency" on the latest developments of Greco-Russian relations.

"We can not react when we believe that the sovereignty of our country is violated because And much more than our friends expect us to adhere to the rules of respect that we also observe," said Koutougallos, pointing out that the good, well-established relations between Athens and Moscow have developed particularly over the past three years.That's what he pointed out, "the announcements made by the Russian Embbady in Athens , who say what we say, that the last three years have been an unprecedented period of acne and the development of Greco-Russian relations. "

Criticism of the opposition to inadequacy from the information of the parliamentary parties and in this case, as the Prespa agreement on the nomenclature of the FYROM, the Deputy Foreign Minister commented: "This history of secret diplomacy we have heard about of Macedonian for a long time, which is obvious that we were negotiating on the basis of the national line, which, at a stage of political waiting, denies it again, yet it admits – we are in a phase of political denial. Particularly in these matters, which concern bilateral relations between states, this necessary combination must be observed in the sending of the message and the preservation of relations. And I think we did exactly what we had to do in this episode and in general in our foreign policy. "

He felt that the current of Russian tourists in Greece would not be affected because" they are not only traditional good relations between states, but the two peoples have friendly relations, relations of almost direct sympathy and automatic because of many common features, political, economic, religious, which connect them. "" We expect this year a new growth, a new record of Russian tourists in our country. "

On the occasion of the completion of 44 years since the Turkish invasion and the continuation of military occupation On 36% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Koutougallos said that the Cyprus problem was a "welcome injury" in Europe "and stressed that" we must not accept that it is without perspective of resolution "

there was no solution to this problem, but for the first time, it was not not in his true dimension, not as a difference, that is to say between two communities as they want to present it, but as an application of modern international law, which does not allow states to depend on unilateral actions of others states, Member State of the European Union, and which demands that international law be treated fairly without military occupation, without the presence of foreign military forces on the territory of any state, "said Katrougalos


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