Google has proposed changes to the EU since 2017 to avoid the fine, but to no avail …


Last week, the historical record of [4,39 milliards d'euros] against Google for antitrust practices on the Android operating system, which had been alerted to the company since 2016. Today, we learn that Google has submitted corrective proposals in August 2017 to slightly relieve the "pressure" on the device manufacturers by sharing the (19659002) Nevertheless, the EU has not "stumbled", and some senior officials The committee reported that the compromise was now an option and that Google's offer was too small and quite late. In fact, they have not even discussed the possibility of imposing a smaller fine to reach an agreement with the company and remain firm in their original decision.

As this is the case, Google faces a huge fine, especially if the call will not be accepted, and will be forced to make very significant changes to its distribution policy. its applications-services to Android devices from now on


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