Again in the penalty shoot, Croatia again! Although he was back in the scoring, despite equalizing in 115's of the stretch, he managed to beat hockey (4-3, 1-1-1, 2-2 in the extension) to Russia Hockey and get the ticket for the where they will face England
The match was a thriller while the Russians were ahead of Cherisev in the 31st, with the Croatians on a foot of equality with Kramaric the 39th. Vinda made a 2-1 victory for Croatia in 101th, but Fernandes led the match in the penalty shoot-out in 115.
Shuwasic and Akinfeeve defeated penalty shoot-out , but he was the scorer of the second goal Russia, Fernando, who sent him.
Russia began with Akinfeeve under the rays, Kutepov and Ignacevic at the center of the defense, Fernando on the right end and Kountriasov on the left. Zovbin and Kuzyev were in the median line, with Shamedov, Golovin and Chereshev behind Jiuba
For Croatia, Shuwasic was at the finish line, Vinda and Loveren at the center of defense, Vrsalikos on the right and Strinic at left. Monk and Rachits were in hockey and Perisic, Kramaric and Ribits took their place behind Mantucki.
The match
The Croats have taken the lead since the beginning, without being dominated and without particularly threatening the Russians, who were trying to play more with counter-attacks.
The match did not have a very good pace, but the incredible goal of Russia against its flow helped us to see a little better. At 31 ", Cherischev took the ball out of the box and with a superb shot from the left he sent it to the right corner of Schubasch, which had been a" statue ".
However, as they did with the Danes, the Croats reacted directly and evened with Kramaric's head in 39.. In the second half, Croatia had full control of the match, and had a tour with Perisic in the 60's, but the fatigue of both teams was a major factor in the play's extension.
The extra half hour started in the best way for "Hvartska", after Vinda returned to his 101st team. The hosts, however, did not shoot him down and with a terrible header from Fernando after a foul by Jaguay tied at 2-2 in the 115th and sent the quarterfinals to the psychopathic shootout
in the shootout, Swabian defeated Smolov, while Akinfev of Kovacevic, but Fernandes failed for Russia and Rackic with the last goal scored the great qualification in Croatia, which will be in the semifinal of the World Cup after 1998. [19659002] The teams & # 39;
Russia (Stanislav Tsarkov): Akin (19 Go Gozinski)
Croatian (Gozinski) (79 Go Gozinski), Croatia, Zlatiko Dalsic) : Sampasic, Vrsaliko (97 T Tsorluka), Lovren, Vinda, Strickic (74 P Pivaric), Rackice, Montrejsk, Pericic (63 Bro Brozovits), Kramaric]
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