Gotsis and Dalaka the pair of the final in Survivor 2


The couple who was waiting for almost everyone to arrive in the final has arrived! The favorites have won and Elias Gotsis and Katerina Dalaka Friday will cross their swords for the first prize of the survivor 2!

In a marathon broadcast live from Galatsi, the two winners went out with his votes a television audience that decided that Elias and Katerina would fight for the summit.

First Sakis Tanimandides announced the name of Elias Gotsis and then that of Katerina Dalaka. They both celebrated with their soul, while the "lost" of the company said that they were happy to come here

Earlier, the three players made a six-month mini-account that They lived in San Domenico. the meeting with their families here in Greece. The show was later stolen by Melina's father, with the galaktoboureko, which he gave to Sakis Tannemidis

Like last year, this year all players who participated in Survivor this year were found in Galatsi. On the two benches set up in the theater, the players sat down, divided into Famous and Fighters. The only one who did not give the gift was Thodoris Theodoropoulos, who has a dispute with SKAI and, as he announced in his appearances on television, he was thinking of a lawsuit against the station [19659006]! Function (f, b, e, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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