<img clbad = "lazyload" src = "https://i1.prth.gr/images/963×541/files/system/thema.jpg" data-src = "https: / /i1.prth.gr/images/963×541/files/YouTube/ITAMPHZiLrk.jpg "alt =" Russia Sergey Lavrov at the Trump-Putin Summit As pointed out by the Russian Foreign Minister, speaking in RT America, Greece moves like many Western countries, that is to say by designing its policy towards Russia "on the basis of the possible, but without any proof".
According to Sergei Lavrov, the fact that 39, there is no other explanation automatically leads the Western countries to the same conclusion that Moscow is responsible for various events
"The latest events ts and deportations of diplomats from Greece just follow this path. This is very possible, without any element, "he stressed
.He also gave an example of how foreign countries have addressed events, the case of Litvinenko's poisoning. "As we saw in our relations with the United Kingdom, which accused us ten years ago of the poisoning of the former agent of Litvinenko, in a secret trial and concluded that the Russia was responsible for it. "
Financial Times: Macedonian diplomats intervene in Alexandroupolis
Earlier, the Financial Times wrote that Alexandroupolis was the city in which the intervention Russian diplomats expelled from Greece [19659004] According to FT, they invoke two counts the two diplomats were known in the city where resides a small community of Russians with Greek connections
The two diplomats recall to FT accused of cooperating with contractors to bribe local government officials, Orthodox bishops, members of cultural badociations and far-right organizations in northern Greece to oppose the Prespa accord for Skopje [19659003] "The Russians wanted to break the negotiations and for this reason
According to the report, one of the attempts of corruption failed when a Greek officer reported the incident to his superiors
"For Greece to expel Russian officials is excessive, not only because there are cultural and religious ties between the two countries. Greece is ruled by a party that once enjoyed close ties to the Kremlin, "FT observes and adds a statement from the Greek leader" I think this is no precedent. Even at the height of the Cold War, when we were a front line state against the Warsaw Pact, Greece had avoided expelling East European diplomats. "