Greece has received an erga omnes name and we erga omnes identity


He notes that the agreement ensures the separation of Macedonians from Macedonia by the Macedonians of Macedonia, who have a distinct history and culture while guaranteeing the Macedonian identity and language

With the Prespa agreement, Greece guarantees the name erga omnes Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told the BBC that the agreement guaranteed the separation of "Macedonians from Greece". "By Mr. Macedonian identity and language

Mr. Zafe said that the agreement would be ratified by a majority of at least 70% in the referendum scheduled for September or October, but on the contrary, he expressed his concern about the small friendly majority in the Greek Parliament.

"I am worried […] but I believe that both parties will fulfill their obligations," he said. FYROM, Mr. Zafe ironically said that he is "copy paste" and identical, adding that it shows that the agreement is balanced

He called on the president of the New Democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis to give a chance at the agreement Prespa diplomatically refused to answer the question of whether the future governments of Skopje would seek a "Greater Macedonia."

He noted that Alexander the Great had "Great Macedonia", then that Macedonia has today its own Macedonia, and aa added that Skopje sevo Tai as an irrefutable provision current boundary that exists in the agreement Prespa.

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