Guardian judo champion involved in a theft and burglary circuit | Greece


Judge, 31, former world judo champion, Tariel Zintiridis, accused of participating in a theft and burglary circuit of houses in Boeotia, Euboea, Fthiotis and Achaia, is tried in prison after apologizing to Investigating judge

a co-accused of 27 years of action on the circuit, allegedly responsible for 28 home thefts.

The athlete, according to the information, denies the accusations of which he is accused and claims that he does not need to be stolen. he has invested the money that he has earned from his international judo judgments in Georgia and therefore has no living necessity.

For his 27-year-old co-accused, he claims to be the only one he knows of all the actors on the circuit and his co-star

Source: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ

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