Hamilton's winner in the episodic fight at Hockenheim – Newsbeast


In an episodic rain race, Lewis Hamilton beat Hockenheim from the 14th. Vettel slipped by mistake and lost a certain victory.

In a terrible fight with big ups and downs, Lewis Hamilton showed a champion and managed to win despite the disadvantage of starting from 14th place

Although in the Hamilton test was unlucky and in the fate of the race helped and hit Vettel.

From the beginning, he showed that he was Lewis Hamilton as he ignored the rhythm of the first that he began to pbad like a demon. He quickly reached 5th place with his 4 ahead of Vettel 1st, Bootas 2nd, Raikkonen 3rd and Ferstapen 4th

The first of the pioneers to change tires was Raikkonen who put fresh intermediate tires began to make faster laps and quickly interpreted his difference with Boot, when he entered for his own change. And it was so. Ferrari Ferrari 1-2 showed that it was an Italian affair. Of course, we had a long way to go.

When he arrived and the Vettel Tire came out of Kimi! And not only that, but he seemed unable to pbad it. He had to ask the help of the pit wall to talk to Kimmi, cut off and Vettel overtake him. If that had not happened today, it would probably be Raikkonen, but if … nothing came out.

Hamilton would pray reasonably for the rain and God heard his prayers. The rain came and mixed things up a bit. Some pilots, such as Leklerk, Gbadil and Ferstapen, came in and put on intermediate rainbows and took advantage of the opportunity if the rain was strong … but that's not the case . The rain was minimal and caused 2-3 turns and a small part of the track. Lekleler, Gbadili and Ferstapen after two devastating rounds came back and re-set

At this point, Bootas started from the third position of Raikkonen and with the rain he was stronger! The rain caused a lot of cars because almost everyone was with slicks. Many cars sparked more spectacularly with Charles Lelekler, who made a 360-degree field and continued the normal. The track having an unknown traction level, Vettel continued to lead the race when … he made one of his rare mistakes, slipped and got off the track! That was it! With Vettel on the outside and with the safety car coming out, Hamilton goes first as Boot and Reynolden enter for the tires. Terrible Fortune This Child

The rest was procedural. Boot tried to spend Hamilton for a while, but he pulled his ear from the pit wall and cut off those revolutionary ideas. Kimi in the end could not pbad the boot and the round at the end did not change with a fair, worthy but lucky Lewis Hamilton winner

Source: gazzetta.gr

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