Happy daddy! Sotiris Kontias published a photo of his newborn son [εικόνα]


Happiness is a word that can not accommodate the feelings that Sotiris Kontizas experiences in the past 24 hours

The chef, who was particularly loved by the television audience from MasterChef and excels this year in the field of gastronomy, he has just welcomed another member of his family, his son who seems to have it flying in the clouds of joy.

His wife, Despina, brought his son to the world at 9 pm Wednesday

Trent Condizas, through his Instagram account, shared a photo of his newborn son, accompanying him with tender words: "Be your mind wide open and your heart beats hard"

In a few minutes the photo he collected thousands of likes from the chef's online friends who wanted to congratulate him for the arrival of the new member in the family

See the photo published by Sotiris Kontizas, at bovary.gr

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