He broke the … grenade in Kaunas Zalgiris – Basketball – Euroleague


It took six games to beat Zalgirio's arena, but Zaglieri Kaunas managed to score 4-6 at the 83-78 mark for Armani Milano, while the Italian champion had dropped to 6-4. , knowing their second defeat in five games outside Milan.

Brandon Davevis was at the top of the standings with 27 points, 11/15, 10 rebounds, 4 badists and 1 steal. Major Zalgiris, who finished the match with 27 (!) Wins, scored 11 points and 7 badists for Walters, while the Ulanovas earned 8 points and 5 rebounds.

Of Armani, with the exception of Gwadajtis who had 16 points, Mitsub stopped at 14, while Mike James was 17 with 7 badists, but was unsuitable with 6/19 shots. The next (11th) match, Zalgiris is back at home against Olympiacos. while Armani hosts Gran Canaria.


In search of solutions for Davis and Walters, Zalgiris scored 10-8 to 5, forcing Armani to make three mistakes. The guests were in good shape with Tsinciarini and Tarzevski, while when James arrived at the equation, 19-16 years old on the 8 and 23-18 years old at the end of the first period, pluralism was at 39. attack and an excellent percentage at two points (64%). . The same trend continued in the second quarter, with Armani increasing his lead to +7 (27-20 to 13) after scoring in the racket with Guntatis.

The Lithuanians were largely unhappy in the three points (1/7), but they responded by dragging the ball near the basket and White and Davis conceded a 17-2 lead in 37-29, just before the three points from Waltz. The guests, I found them … obscure the defense of Yaskevicius players, which led them to make wrong choices (18% to three points in the first part) and to go to the locker room with nine points of delay, 40-31.

Despite the successful efforts of Guadalajas, Zalgiris had a 49-41 lead in 25th place, Davis aggressively dominating the racket of the champions of Italy. With Bertan's three points, Simone Pianitani's team returned to the game, scoring a score of 53-52 at 27 ". The home-based permanent marker was Davis, who had reached 22 points before the end of the third quarter, which ends with a score of 60-58, thanks to a three-pointer of the Kuzminskas positive.

At the start of the fourth quarter, Milanis with a three-pointer again made the difference to the seven points for Zalgiris (65-58 at 31)). Armani did not hurt and came back to 69-68 three minutes later, while Mitsov's basket, which I think of James's failure, gave many solutions, the score was 73 -71 to 36. The hosts had found many baskets of Ulaanova and Grigoni, they were more creative and were at 1 to 22 "& # 39; before the end, 77-73. Armani dropped to 77-75, followed by 5-0 Lithuanians with Davis and Wolters leading the match to celebrate the remarkable victory.

The ten minutes: 18-23, 40-31, 60-58, 83-78.

Zalgiris (Jasikevicius): Davis 27, Walton 2, Walters 11 (1), Walcamp 7 (1), Werderman, Berriatis, Milanis 6 (2), White 7, Grignon 7, Kavaljuskas 8, Ulyanovas 8.

Armani Milan (Pianitzani): James 17 (2), Mitsub 14 (1), Guntatis 16, Bertans 6 (2), Tarzowski 3, Kuzminskas 14 (2), Chinzarini 4, Brooks 4, Jerelles.

Nikos Zervas

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