He flipped with a second screen on his back instead of a front camera


Despite the problems encountered recently, ZTE comes this time on the spot for the good reason. The company is preparing its own proposal for an all-screen smartphone following a different approach compared to Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo

The ZTE Nubia Z18S will not have a front camera and users will only enjoy the powerful rear camera for selfies and video calls. How will that be done? Using a second screen covering almost the entire back, unless the dual camera is located at the top. It reminds about Yotaphone except that we have a normal screen instead of eInk

Of course, the second screen will affect the cost of the device and if we take into account the rumors of Snapdragon 845, 8GB RAM and 256GB of storage space, its price should be quite high.


About Chris Elpidis

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